Friday, June 11, 2010

Oil Spill Influenced Dream

I had a weird dream last night I can only attribute to all the damage done by the BP oil spill. I've been following all the damage that oil spill is and will be doing and reflecting on how my own dependence on fossil fuel helped contribute to this disaster. Skip and I have already decided that when I am ready to move on from my 2003 Toyota Matrix, we will replace it with an electric car. I have just been wondering how much abuse our earth can take before we completely destroy her.

So last night I had this dream. We were in our house, but it didn't look like our house. It was worn out and dilapidated. And all the houses in our Wisteria-Lane-look-a-like neighborhood looked the same way. Almost like an abandoned neighborhood, but everyone was still living here. In real life, we have a dining room table that we bought when we first got married and it's a little worse for the wear, but we really like it. In the dream, that table completely collapsed and we needed to replace it. So my husband and I had a very calm, reasonable conversation about whether or not we should spend the money on a new table when it was likely that the earth would not be able to sustain human life for very much longer. Did we really need a new table or could we make do without one until the world came to an end? About that time, I woke up, so I don't know what we decided about the table.

I think we all have this idea that even with all the talk of climate change and pollution, the earth will continue to absorb all of the abuse for many, many years to come. But if we keep causing these massive disasters, we're going to speed up the destruction. Mother earth can only take so much. Hoping for better dreams tonight. Last night's was a little too creepy.

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