For several years, my friend Eric owned a home store and carried fabulous Christmas ornaments. Many of the ones on my tree (and on my friend's trees) came from there.
This dates back to my child hood. It's part of the stash Mom and Dad sent with me when I had my first apartment and put up my own tree. Eyeore is somewhere on the tree, too, but he's missing an eye.
After we visited Paris and found this ornament, we began to make a point of picking up a Christmas ornament wherever we traveled in Europe. We have ones from England, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, Germany, France and Czech Republic. Somehow we missed getting one in Italy. Guess we'll have to go back!

At the church where I grew up, we had Advent Workshops every year. All the Sunday School rooms got turned in to little workshops to make gifts of ornaments, food and other items, like Advent Wreaths. This ornament was made at one of these events and dates back at least 30 years. it is a clothespin replica of a Westminster Presby choir member.

Since Maddie was born, Mom has been collecting ornaments that represent the things she was interested in the previous year. Here are Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales. There are also Care Bears, Disney Princesses, Blues Clues, Strawberry Shortcake and Madeleine ornaments.
For many years now, friends Olivia and Leigh Ann and I have been exchanging ornaments at Christmas time. They always pick great ones. This one came from O in 2003.
When I was in high school and college and beyond, my mom would give me a musical themed ornament each year. The baby grand piano recently lost a leg, but bass playing Santa is holding up well.
When we lived in Boston, there was a Dunkin Donuts on every corner. When I was pregnant with Maddie, hardly a day went by that I did not have a small hazelnut, black coffee with a chocolate covered donut. No wonder I gained 60 pounds! Oddly enough, since she was born, my donut cravings completely disappeared. I rarely have them anymore, even when they are out and available at church or a meeting. But I still miss that Dunkin Donuts coffee. And no, the stuff you buy in the store just isn't quite same.
One of our favorite things about London--the double decker bus!
My husband's hometown of Brookfield, Connecticut puts out a commemorative ornament each year depicting a building or landmark in the town. Each year, his parents give him one and we have about 10 or 12 on the tree.
Here's hoping you have a tree filled with memories as well. And, if not, this year might be a great time to start one.
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