This is Palm Beach Sugar Daddy Ken. It will be available to you in April of 2010. Seriously.
I am currently resting my injured shoulder (have no idea how it became injured) on nice squishy ice pack. A friend of mine who is an OT gave me the "ice pack recipe". You put 1 cup rubbing alcohol and 3 cups water into a gallon-sized ziploc bag. It will get as cold as a regular ice pack, but the alcohol keeps the mixture from freezing solid and it conforms to the shape of whatever body part you need iced. So much more comfy than the cubes.
Hoping to be able to sleep better tonight. Hopefully, the ice, ibuprofen, stretching regimen will help ease the pain. Am having newfound empathy for people who deal with chronic pain. After just over two days with this pain, I'm kind of a wreck. My thinking and coping skills are somewhat (some might say severely) compromised. Folks who deal with it every day for an indefinite amount of time are made of stronger stuff than me.
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