Monday, August 9, 2010

Words to Live By

I have not been an avid blogger as of late. I have had a wonderful opportunity o write a weekly column that appears in several papers in the Little Rock area. Between coming up with ideas for a sermon and a column each week, my blog well has been running dry.

However, tonight, after doing some cleaning out in my house, I found a notebook that I kept in my twenties to collect quotes that I liked--from people I know, from people on tv, from movies, etc. I share some of them here.

The worst moment in an athiest's life is the moment when he is thankful but has no one to thank. --unkown

If you want to be your own person, learn to think for yourself. If you want an "A" in the class, learn to think like the professor. --Anne Russ

There are three things I have always loved and never understood--music, art and women. --Le Bovier de Fontenelle

I'm trying to find myself. I don't know what that means, but by parents are buying it, so I'm sticking with that. --Russ Gorman following our freshman year of college

Never eat anything orange, unless it is an orange, a carrot or a sweet potato. --Anne Russ

It's been my experience that no matter where you go, there you are. --Suzanne Sugarbaker

Why is easy listening so hard to listen to?--random comedian

Men learn to love the women they're attracted to and women become attracted to the men they love--Andie McDowell

If you have a college degree, you can be certain of one thing. You have a college degree. --Dr. Robert Anthony

I have yet to hear a man ask for advice on how to combine a marriage and a career. --Gloria Steinham (she said this 30 years ago and it still stands today!)

Nobody is happy all the time. If we were, we wouldn't be human, we'd be game show hosts.--Winona Rider in Heathers

Beware of men who cry. It's true that men who cry are sensitive to and in touch with feelings, but the only feelings they tend to be in touch with or sensitive to are their own.--Nora Ephron

According the Washington Post, Dan Quayle thinks Roe vs Wade are alternate ways of crossing the Ptomac.--A. Whitney Brown

Prejudice is the most ridiculous thing on earth. There are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis. -J.J. Wall

And my personal fav:

Life is kind to people who aren't cursed with self-awareness--Susan Sarandon in Bull Durham

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing. Here is my facorite

    "You see things; and say. "Why?" But I dream of things that never were; and say "Why not?""
    George Bernard Shaw

