Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Do I Feel Like GM's story will be the PCUSA story...

...but without the bailout?

This American Life ran a story this week about the GM Nummi plant closing. It traces why GM--even with the benefit of Japanese manufacturing "secrets"--was still unable to change and survive.

It parallels much of what is happening in the PCUSA (and I'm sure other mainline) churches today.

Resistance to change
Belief that the company would never fold
Too long to obtain the critical mass of leadership who believed change was the answer
Employees who didn't want to take ownership of projects or be responsible for making things better
Lack of support from corporate for divisions who were trying to do things differently

This American Life

If you're reading more than a week after the post, you may need to go to the Previous Stories link and look for Nummi.

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