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And I can't decide what is more disturbing, the above link or the news out of London that an award winning movie can't find a distributor here in the United States because it's about Charles Darwin. Seriously? No distributor in the US will pick up a critically acclaimed movie about a renowned historical figure because it disagrees with the book of Genesis? Coupled with the Obama school speech boycott, I have to wonder how we've become such a fearful people. Are we so unsure and unsteady in our own beliefs that we can't even allow ourselves or our children to watch something that might challenge those beliefs? It all seems very un-American.
On a less fearful note, I (with the help of many others) was able to pull of the surprise of my husband's 40th birthday party. He had a really good time. Good German food from The Pantry, and I have to give a shout out to The Blue Cake Company for an amazing looking cake that was also one of the best I've ever tasted. Each layer is decorated with the colors and the logo of his favorite European sports teams.
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